I’m Teaching Media Law at UNH This Summer

May 2, 2020 | News & Updates

I’ll be teaching a short (6 week; 2 credit) remote course in media law this summer as part of the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law’s Intellectual Property Summer Institute. Affectionately known as “IPSI” by us UNH alums, this year’s all-remote-taught institute marks the return of a longtime summer fixture at UNH that brings students together with professionals and expert academics from around the world for short, focused courses on various aspects of intellectual property law (and related areas). Of course the program used to live, in person, at the school’s Concord campus, but this year it will all be delivered online, and it’s open to law students, recent graduates, and practicing attorneys.

Here’s the official description for my course, Legal Issues in Media and Mass Communication:

This course offers broad exposure to various legal issues confronted by mass media enterprises, ranging from traditional broadcasters and similar internet-based services, to the major internet platforms and the new class of “media enterprises” that they spawned, such as YouTube influencers and TikTok stars. By examining current issues and events, students will navigate areas of law including defamation, rights of publicity and privacy, newsgathering and right of access, advertising, broadcast and internet regulation, intellectual property, and antitrust – to understand how the law’s staple doctrines apply to the business of producing and distributing news, information, and entertainment for mass consumption.

In addition to my media law course, they’re offering courses in a variety of topics. While I confess that I haven’t undertaken a comprehensive review of every law school’s catalog, I have a hunch that for at least several of these, you won’t find them anywhere else:

  • Cannabis & IP 
  • Doing Business in China
  • IP Policy
  • IP & Entrepreneurship
  • Why Venue Matters in IP Litigation
  • Name, Image & Likeness in Sports
  • Patent Licensing
  • Patent Practice & Procedure
  • Trademark Searching
  • Video Gaming & IP

For more information, and to join us this summer at the IP Powerhouse, visit law.unh.edu/ipsi.